Go Green Run 

Latest Updates General Category Route Apparel Prizes Rules & Regulations Registration Closed

Go Green Run
Date / Time 17-12-2017 , Sunday | 07:30 AM
Event Location Jalan Sepoy Lines (Penang Padang Polo)
Registration Start 11-10-2017 , Wednesday
Closing Date 14-12-2017 , Thursday
Available Slot Limited To 2000 Only

Latar Belakang
  • Program ini merupakan satu program inisiatif Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang bersama keseluruhan agensi awam, agensi swasta, Institusi, NGO’s dan seluruh warga negeri Pulau Pinang.
Objektif Program
  • Program ini bertujuan menyahut visi kerajaan negeri iaitu Cleaner, Greener, Safer & Healthier Penang dan dapat memberi kesedaran kepada orang ramai tentang kepentingan penanaman pokok dalam usaha mengurangkan kesan rumah hijau serta pemanasan global. Selain itu, ia merupakan misi bersama bagi menjadikan negeri Pulau Pinang yang terulung dalam usaha program penghijauan.
  • Sebanyak 10,000 pokok disasarkan untuk ditanam semasa program ini. Program ini merupakan langkah yang baik dalam memberi pendedahan awal kepada orang ramai tentang pengetahuan menanam pokok dan penghijauan bumi.
  • Agensi-agensi swasta seperti sektor perkilangan, perhotelan dan pemaju juga turut serta terlibat dalam menjayakan program ni. Sumbangan pokok dan penyertaan sektor swasta dalam program ini secara tidak langsung menunjukkan komitmen yang tinggi serta komited dalam usaha penghijauan Pulau Pinang.
  • Diharapkan dengan adanya lebih banyak program-program seperti ini dapat mengurangkan kesan pemanasan global seterusnya memberi manfaat kepada semua.
  • This program is an initiative program by City Council of Penang Island with all public agencies, private agencies, Institutions, NGOs and all Penang citizens.
Program Objective
  • The program is aimed at responding to the vision of the Penang State Government of Cleaner, Greener, Safer & Healthier Penang, and to educate the public on the importance of tree planting in order to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and global warming. In addition, it is a joint mission to make Penang the Best in the greening program.
  • A total of 10,000 trees are targeted to be planted during the program. This program is a good step in giving early exposure to the public about the knowledge of trees planting and greening of the earth.
  • Private agencies such as the manufacturing, hospitality and developers also participated in the making success of this program. Fund contributions and private sector participation in the program indirectly demonstrate a high commitment and committed to Penang’s greening efforts.
  • It is hoped that with more programs like this can reduce the impact of global warming, it will benefit all.
  • Date : 17th December, 2017 Sunday (Postponed from 11th November)
  • Time :
    • 7:00AM Participant Gathering
    • 7:20AM Arrival of Datuk Bandar MBPP Dato Maimunah Binti Mohd Sharif
    • 7:30AM Arrival of Chief Minister of Penang, YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng
    • 7:40AM Flag-Off
    • 9:00AM End

T-Shirts Collection
Category Code Category Detail Head Count
Entry Fee ( RM )
Fun 5KM Fun Run or Walk (RM10.00 Registration Fees + RM1.00 Online Payment Fee) 2000
From 10-10-2017 To 01-11-2017 : RM 10.00

Route Title / Route for Category
5km Fun Run/Walk
Jalan Sepoy Lines - Jalan Residensi - Jalan Utama - Jalan Scotland - Jalan York - Jalan Ross - Jalan Utama - Jalan Penjara - Jalan Berek - Jalan Vermont - Jalan Residensi - Jalan Sepoy Lines

Vest / Jersey Sizing

Participants Entitlement

  • A Unique Special Edition T-Shirts;
  • Water Stations at finishing point;
  • eCertificate for participation;
  • Finishing souvenir of a plant for those completed within cut-off time;
  • It’s a Fun Run!
  • T-Shirts edisi khas;
  • Stesen air selepas menamatkan larian;
  • Setiap peserta akan dibekalkan dengan sebatang pokok ameniti/teduhan apabila mereka menamatkan larian;
  • eSijil untuk peserta;
  • Rules & Regulations

    Participants’ Guide

    1. Collection of T-Shirt

    • Collection of event T-Shirts at the Pusat Informasi, Youth Park, Penang held on 16th December, 2017 (Saturday) from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
    • Kindly bring your registration receipt as proof of registration - printed copy or soft-copy on mobile phone also acceptable.
    • Strictly NO collection held on the event day itself, you can ask your friend to collect on behalf by passing him/her your registration receipt.
    • Please bring along your own recycle bag for group collection. Go Green!
    • There shall be no size exchange allowed during the collection day. The organisers will try to fulfill the T-Shirt sizing indicated by participants on the entry form. However it is not a guarantee that participants shall be provided the “correct” sizes if any discrepancy occurs that is out of the organisers’ control.
    • Wearing of official event T-Shirts strongly encouraged.

    2. Refunds

    • No refunds will be entertained once full payment is received.
    • Confirmed registrations are not transferable to other persons.

    3. Starting Point

    4. Route

    • Please refer to the route online.
    • Please follow the directions given by officials along the route at all times.
    • Due to traffic conditions, there will be a time limit for all participants. A sweeper vehicle may be utilized to pick up all remaining runners who the organisers feel may not complete the event within the stipulated time.
    • If any participant does not wish to enter the sweeper vehicle when instructed, then he/she is deemed to be no longer a part of the event and their safety will not be the responsibility of the organisers. They will not be qualified for medal and eCertificate.

    5. Finishing Point

    • The finishing point will also be at Jalan Sepoy Lines (Penang Padang Polo).
    • Only finishers who complete within the stipulated time with official event T-Shirts will be awarded with a plant.
    • Participant are required to redeem on the event day itself, failure to collect on the same day shall be consider as forfeited.
    • Please do not crowd the finishing area and make your way to the drink / rest areas as soon as possible.

    6. Time Limit

    • The time limit is 1.5 hour.

    7. Withdrawal

    • Any participant who wishes to withdraw during the event is required to inform any official along the route.

    8. Medical Advice

    • As a precaution, all participants are advised to undergo a check-up one month prior to the date of the event.
    • Medical assistance where possible, organisers shall attempt to have medical teams along the route. However, participants are requested to take care of their own safety before, during and after the event.
    • In the event that participant requires medical assistance, please seek the help of the nearest official.

    9. Safety

    • Participants are required to run on the road excepts as directed by the official or police.
    • Unauthorized vehicles are NOT allowed to accompany the runners.
    • Pets, bicycles, in-line skates, prams, push carts, shoes with built-in or attached rollers and any other wheel-run objects are not allowed on the course other than official race and medical vehicles.

    10. Others

    • This is only a guide, and organisers are not responsible for any injuries, losses, damages, death and other undesirable occurrences before, during and after the event.
    • The organisers reserve the right to amend and/or make changes to the event rules, terms and conditions, race routes and/or other arrangements as they deem fit/appropriate, to cancel, to postpone or reschedule the event date to a later date for the safety of the participants and/or to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the race, at any time without prior notice to the participant. In such cases, every effort will be made to inform the participant prior to the date of the race. The organiser shall not be held liable for any loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.
    • All participants, crew and staff must display courtesy, good taste, decorum, and sportsmanship at all times. Nudity is specifically not allowed.
    • All decisions by organisers are final, and no disputes shall be entertained.


    I agree to participate in this event on the following basis:

    1. By participating I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation, which would result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I release all people associated with the conduct of events and will release them against all matters arising out of my participation in events. For clarification, the people released include event organisers, promoters, sponsors, managers, officers, employees, agents, contractors and volunteers including event medical and paramedical personnel and every personnel invite and ask to be in involve in the event by the organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assignees.

    2. I understand that I park my vehicle at my own risk and assumes organisers have no responsibility for loss or damage.

    3. I acknowledge that events involve the real risk of serious injury, or risk of death, from various causes including over exertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other competitors, spectators and road users, the course and weather conditions, just to name a few.

    4. I understand that I should not participate in events unless I have prepared appropriately and my physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner.

    5. I understand that the information that I have provided herein will be included in the Actife Style database. I also understand that information of a biological nature including my name, date of birth, home state, results, career highlights and interests may be released to the media in response to general requests.

    6. I agree to abide by all the Rules of organisers which relate, in part, to safe and fair sporting practices.

    7. I grant organisers the unconditional right to use at their discretion photographic pictures and personal information in any form of media, art, advertising, trade, visual documentary, promotional material, merchandise or film coverage of any kind without compensation to me. I also waive the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the copy that may be used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.

    8. I have permission from my family and related sport associations to compete in this event.

    9. I am of the correct age at the event day where I participate in an age category.

    Latest Updates
    1 15-12-2017 , 23:17:05 Parking available at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Puan Habsah and Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang
    2 10-12-2017 , 21:18:15 Finisher will be awarded a plant each either Breynia disticha, Duranta erecta or Loropetalum chinensis
    3 09-12-2017 , 14:47:39 T-Shirts Collection on 16 December, 2017
    4 20-06-2017 , 21:26:08 Defer of Go Green Run to 17 December, 2017
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